The PEACE element of CentrePeace has always been very important to us as we seek to help people find peace in their lives - with practical help or counselling or on a level of providing space for therapy groups and complementary therapies. Now we are seeking your help to support peace on a wider scale. There is so much going on in the world that is bringing suffering to people in so many ways, on so many levels. We can help by living in peace ourselves and also sending out positive thoughts of peace to those people suffering. We can also help on a more practical level by providing some articles to help improve their physical comfort. Our PEACE TABLE (above) holds a box for donations that will be spent on warm wear for children in Syria. We also invite people to light a candle and send their thoughts out to all those who could use extra light and peace in their lives, whether family, friends or people we might never meet but would like to send our loving support to.